Thesis for Big Data

Although many are worried about privacy issues, the introduction and utilization of big data in the medical field is definitely a beneficial and revolutionary thing.

Big Data Post

Phone: The first thing I hear when I wake ups is my alarm clock going off on my phone. Then I check Snapchat. Then I reply to any messages that I missed while I was sleeping. During breakfast I usually scroll through Twitter or Instagram and sometimes check my email….

Barclay’s Formula

Although social media give us the opportunity to reveal more information about ourselves, this can weaken interpersonal connections. Susan Greenfield, author of “Mind Change” is a big proponent of how social media is changing how we communicate and form relationships. She states that a “lack of face to face communication…

It’s Complicated Chapter 1

In her book “It’s Complicated”, Boyd explains how a teens identity may seem to change as they navigate between different platforms. boyd asserts that “while teens move between different social contexts-including mediated ones like those constructed at school-they manage social dynamics differently.” I believe that this idea perfectly describes what…

Social Media Self

On Snapchat I am much more out going and will post more since the audience is just my friends. On Facebook, I am much more reserved and do not post as much because I am friends with most of my family members. On Instagram and Twitter, I post a decent…

“Connected, but Alone?”

Turtle states in her TED Talk that we need to disconnect from technology more. We don’t need to absolutely write off technology and never use it, but we instead need to distance ourselves from it sometimes. She explains that many people feel like they need technology to stay connected with…

“What Makes a Good Life”

In his TED talk, Robert references a study that has taken place over 75 years, with a purpose of studying and determining what the key was to living a life full of happiness. From the study, he learned that the key factor was relationships that were formed with other people….

Eulogy Tweet

We will never forget you, Peyton’s first social media self. We will always remember your unnecessary tweeting about everything to do with football.
