About Me


Determined, meticulous, diligent, honest

Lover of football

Student of medical biology

Who feels anxious about taking this class

Who hopes to learn better writing skills in this class
Who fears the workload about this class

Who loved the stories of Franklin the Turtle as a child

Who read the Percy Jackson series of books

Who struggled to get through the book Frankenstein

Who checks Instagram everyday


This is a picture of the basement of the library, near the Windward Cafe. This is probably my favorite workspace I have utilized since being at UNE. I like how the study areas are slightly enclosed, so it is harder to hear outside conversations so you can focus on your work. However, it is not completely quiet. I cannot work without some kind of white noise in the background. That is why I usually do my work with a small group of people, and the bottom floor of the library provides a good opportunity to do so. The only negative is when they make smoothies in the cafe. If you are sitting too close, it can get pretty loud.

This is an image of the upper floor of the library. I really did not enjoy working at this space too much. For one, everyone felt like they had to whisper, but they wanted their friends to hear them, so it ended up being a bunch of people whispering really loudly, which is a lot more distracting than people just talking. Also, the tables are pretty small for 4 people, and I enjoy having space when I work.