CPB Reflection for 4/22

Comment 1:

Hi Olivia, this is meant to “pay a call” to your commonplace book. The thing I enjoyed most about your Commonplace entries was your inclusion of critiques of the novels we read from the time they were actually written. This allowed us as the reader to see how people at the time were reacting to these works. This was especially apparent in “The Picture of Dorian Grey”, which received horrible reviews at the time of its publication. Author Oscar Wilde was even imprisoned for his “radical” ideas within the novel. I really enjoyed this aspect because seeing the reactions of people reading the novel at the time it was written really allows us to see the fears that were used to create the monster apparent in reality. I thought that this along with you other primary source material really helped to make your commonplace book a detailed and very analytical reflection.

Comment 2:

Hey Mariah, this is meant to “pay a call” to your commonplace book entries. The number one thing I noticed while reading through your CPB was your ability to include images that are not only reliable;evant to the source material, but that raise questions and illustrate new ideas about the novel and how it’s “monster” is portrayed. For example, your images included for Dracula really show the innocence and beauty of the women he “attacks”. Many of these images use elements meant to invoke a sort of fear in the audience, and understanding these elements and their usage helps us to gather more of an understanding of the fears of the audience at the time and therefore possible motivations for writing the novel or certain parts of it.

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