Overview of Sources for Thesis

  • An article entitled “The big-data revolution in US healthcare: Accelerating value and innovation”, written by Basel Kayyali, is definitely the best sources so far. It includes many real-life examples of how big data is transforming the medical field as we know it. A lot of the evidence in this article is going to be very useful in supporting my thesis. It also takes into account some naysayer arguments towards the end, which is also going to be very helpful when writing my paper. This article also gives many examples that I can branch off of and research more.
  • Written by Bernard Marr, an article entitled “How Big Data is Changing Healthcare”, published in Forbes also has a lot of information that is going to be very useful when writing my paper. This article supplies a lot of information about big data’s involvement in clinical trials. It also recognizes the naysayer argument about privacy and security, which should come in handy.
  • “The Age of Big Data”, written by Steve Lohr, is an article posted in the New York times, should also help. Although it is not specific to my thesis, it provides a lot of good background information to expand upon in my paper. It is a good starting point.



One thought on “Overview of Sources for Thesis

  1. Good use of sources. I like how you include a source that provides a naysayer point of view. My only suggestion would be to re-examine each source and make sure you can get as much detail out of each one that you can. Also, make sure you meet the different source requirement on the rubric.

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